What to expect @ SWT & Sports Injury Clinic



Shock Wave



Want to know if Shock Wave Therapy can help you
Three-point analysis happens here: 1) PHYSICAL EXAM 2) ORTHOPAEDIC TESTS 3) CONDITION CASE HISTORY - these may indicate further clarity requiring imagery, ultrasound, MRI or X-ray.
If you have had a diagnosis, this process has to be done again by the professional applying the treatment to be covered legally. While slightly helpful, referral letters should be accompanied by imagery reports to enable treatment to start.
NOTE: Let us know if you are having issues with getting the report before consulting (reports over five years old won't be helpful, so just recent reports)
Finding The Site Of Pain -
When we see a condition that's not healed naturally or with other therapies, it often means issue understanding is poor. In cases like this, we ensure new imagery is taken when needed so we can give you an accurate prognosis before committing to a treatment plan. If you have had a diagnosis that involved MRI, CT, X-RAY or ULTRASOUND, please bring the images to us at consultation. This accurate diagnosis is a critical factor in our high success rates - After all, knowing more information is never wrong.
Shock Wave Therapy in Wimbledon London
If your condition looks like it would benefit from Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (SWT), either the Radial type or Focused the clinic can provide this. Shock wave therapy used in our Wimbledon clinic is a treatment for both sports and moderate limb injuries. During Shock Wave Therapy pulses of sound are delivered into the offending area at speed. This drumming causes the treatment area to relax and blood flows around them. The nutrient-rich lifeblood penetrates deeper tendon/muscle pores that are now open thanks to the elimination of scar tissue or calcification. - More Information About SWT - CLICK HERE
Whether you have chosen Shock Wave Therapy or a more traditional approach, there is a weakness that caused your injury to occur. Or in some cases, a muscle imbalance has been created by you just not moving while the pain was present (don't move it you lose it - think of someone's leg after coming out of a plaster cast). The weakness needs to be addressed to stop injury from re-occurring.
Post-treatment rehab coaching is always advised for post-shock-wave therapy whether you choose focused or radial shock wave stimulation. We do work with a numbar of physiotherapists in London locally so if you want to continue rehab coaching with them let us know or ask them to contact us for a referral so we can tie in your therapist into your management